Dogs love a routine and get quickly used to knowing when they will be fed, walked, and when they sleep etc. Keeping to a routine when you are trying to entertain your pup as well as work is super important, your dog will soon realise when it is time to nap and rest and when it is time to go for a walk. This way you can hopefully get some work down in between!

Once your dog is settled into their new routine (this should only take a couple of days) your dog will start to relax because it knows what behaviours are expected at set times of the day. The more consistent you are in following the routine, the easier it is for everyone.

Allow set times throughout the day for you to go out for a walk with your dog, this allows you to have a break and get some fresh air and allows your dog to run off some energy. If possible, try to keep to the same time for the walks each day, so your dog gets used to the routine.

Enrichment toys are a great way for your dog to keep focused on an activity for a short period of time, this stimulates the brain and engages your dog, tiring them mentally as well as physically. Good enrichment toys include:

  • Puzzles
  • Licky matts
  • Kongs