When you initially bring your new cat home there may be many questions you need answering to ensure you do everything correctly to keep your cat fit and healthy. The first most important thing is to register your cat with a vet. Once you have registered with a local vet you can make an appointment which gives you the chance to get any questions answered that may be worrying you. Also this is when your vet will put together a health care plan for your cat.


Vaccinations are vital as they protect you cat against many different diseases that could result in causing your cat pain or in some serious circumstances death.  There are four common diseases that we can vaccinate against which are; cat flu, Feline infectious enteritis, feline leukemia virus and also feline chlamydia.

All of the vaccinations that your cat will have contain forms of the virus and bacterium that will cause some specific diseases. These vaccines are harmless but work in an effect way by stimulating the your cats immune system.  If your cat is to then come in contact with the disease they will be protected as the body will fight against it.

Your cat should receive their primary vaccination form a very young age, usually at around 9 weeks old. About three of four weeks after the primary vaccination they will need to have a booster. Boosters are given to keep the immune system as strong as possible. It is extremely important that your kitten receives their vaccinations before interacting with other animals just in case there are diseases around.

Fleas and worms

 Fleas and worms can be caught so easily and it is very common for your cat to pick them up at some point in their lives. Not only can fleas irate your cat but also yourselves. Also worms can be very harmful to humans. There are many different products on the market today that can be used to keep your cat up to date with their regular treatments. The first signs that your cat has fleas is when they are itching or chewing themselves. Within their fur you can also see flea larvae, which looks a lot like little flakes of black dirt.


Neutering is the operation of which your cats reproductive organs are made infertile to prevent them from having any offspring. Cats are very free willed pets and can wander off for days at a time potentially coming in contact with many other cats and producing unwanted litters. For male cats the procedure is called castration and for female cats it is called spaying. Kittens are usually neutered at the age of four to six months, due to this being when their reproductive systems are fully developed.


Cats tend to do as they please when it comes to exercise. The older your cat will become the less movement they will make. There are cats that enjoy going out and catching a mouse but there are others that would prefer to be fast asleep by the fire.

Everyday healthcare

It is important that you do regular health checks on your cat to ensure they care healthy and not ill in anyway. If your cat is showing bad signs of sickness/diarrhoea, loss of appetite, coughing, sensitivity to specific areas, it would be a good idea to make a call to your vet as there could be something going on internally.


Kittens obviously start off drinking their mothers milk until they are about eight weeks, at this point they should be fully weaned form their mothers and onto solid foods. There are so many different brands of cat foods on the market today. There are wet food, biscuits, treats and so much more. If your cat is the only animal in the house they may not be so worried about eating too much. If so biscuits may be a good choice so they can be left around the house so that your cat can just help him self whenever. You vet may recommend a food and a good balanced diet when you initially register with them. It is vital that your cat has a source of fresh, clean water to drink at all times.


 There are some cats that need more grooming than others. Cats that are long haired should be combed through each day as it is very easy for the hair to matt which can then increase the chances of them contracting skin conditions. Cats do like to groom themselves but it is important that you keep most of the loose hair out of their coats otherwise fur balls will appear.