There are lots of factors in a job that can course stress, this can lead to you not enjoying your job. Huge workload, poor pay, little control of what you are doing, no passion for what you do, physical health problems maybe ongoing problems from your current role.

All these problems and more can cause you to burnout! Where you feel physically and mentally drained and exhausted.

Here are a few tips on avoiding a burnout!

  • Don’t overdo it! – know your limits and don’t be afraid to say no! Organise your time well so you have time to have a break/rest.  
  • Take a holiday! – Take time off work, to either go away or spend time with friends/family or enjoy your home. Take time where you can completely switch off from work and your laptop. Having a period off allows you to come back to work feeling refreshed.
  • Schedule breaks – make sure you take breaks throughout the day, put them in your calendar and stick to them. Even if it is a 5-minute coffee break – allow yourself a change of scenery and take a break away from the computer.
  • Hobby – if you have a hobby take time out to do this and completely switch off from work and enjoy your time doing something you love! If you haven’t got a hobby – try taking up something new!
  • Exercise – this is a great way to let of some steam and get fit at the same time! Exercise helps clear the mind and everyone always feels better after doing some fitness!
  • Sleep/rest – it is super important to get enough rest/sleep. Having 7+ hours sleep is proven to boost your mental and physical health.

Not all the above will suit everyone, however if you can find a couple you enjoy and add them into your routine, I am sure this will help you take a break from a busy work schedule and focus your mind to something else you enjoy!