A dogs tail can wag for many different reasons, this can be because of excitement, nervous, scared or aggression. So it is super important to know your dog’s body language going in to any situation.

Big wags

Big wagging tails are the best tails, as this means your dog is very happy and excited! This may also be accompanied by an entire body wiggle which says that your dog is extremely happy and ready for interaction.

Natural position

A natural position with no wag, indicates relaxation in your dog. The natural tail positions for most dogs will be hanging down near their heels, but this will depend on your dog’s breed. This is usually the dogs normal and natural position.

Vertical tail

This type of wagging tail is commonly mistaken for a happy dog, this sometimes isn’t the case and can actually mean the opposite. A hard, vertical tail usually means aggression and they may be telling you that they are feeling territorial or uncomfortable with something that is going on around them. Make sure you read a dog’s whole body language before approaching or before allowing other dogs to approach.

Backwards and gentle wagging

This usually means the dog is curious or wary of something they haven’t done or seen before.

Tail between legs

A tail between a dogs legs means they are feeling very nervous or scared of something or someone. Try to give the dog some space and talk to them calmly and softly, to reasure them.