Our Dog Walking blog written by Friends for Pets.

Tag franchise opportunities

Christmas Newsletter 2022!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year I can’t believe another year has gone so fast! I just want to take this opportunity to wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and also thank you for you… Continue Reading →

How technology can change your business

Here are some ways in which we use technology within Friends for Pets:- Communicate and share information – for a business communication and sharing of information is a massive part of a business. We can do this so easily with… Continue Reading →

Helpful things to have in a pet first aid kit

What is in your pet first aid kit? Here are a few suggestions… Bandages Blunt-ended scissors Wound wash Cotton wool Tweezers Tick tweezers Wound dressing Self-adhesive tape Dressings Vinyl gloves Foil blanket Antiseptic wipes A blanket to use as a… Continue Reading →

Why is now a great time for a career change and becoming a dog walking franchisee?

With the percentage of people who own a pet rising to 60% in the UK since lockdown, now is a great time to consider investing in a pet franchise. Many people are going back to the office or booking holidays,… Continue Reading →

What do you get with a Friends for Pets franchise?

Ever wondered what you get with a Friends for Pets franchise rather than going it alone or choosing another franchise, well here are just some of the things that are included:- Expert advice and support on your business set up…. Continue Reading →

Why choose a Friends for Pets franchise?

With the percentage of people who own a pet rising to 60% in the UK since lockdown, now is a great time to consider investing in a pet franchise. Many people are going back to the office or booking holidays,… Continue Reading →

Christmas 2022 Newsletter

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We hope that you and your pets are keeping safe and well over this holiday season. We would like to thank all of our clients, pet carers and social media followers for all… Continue Reading →

Friends for Pets celebrated in esteemed league table !

After small beginnings in the Cheddar Valley in 2008, dog walking and pet care company, Friends for Pets is celebrating after being named as one of the UK’s top franchise opportunities. From hundreds of entries across every sector, Friends for… Continue Reading →

So why would you take on a franchise when you can just do it yourself??⁠

Good question!  We often get asked why people would prefer to be part of a franchise rather than just set up on their own. Here are a couple of reasons that our pet franchisees benefit from which they would either… Continue Reading →

Some key facts from the Natwest/ BFA 2018 survey about franchising….

The Franchise Industry contributes £15 Billion to the UK economy – an increase of 46% over the past 10 years The total number of people employed within franchising has now reached 621,000 – an increase of 70% over the past… Continue Reading →

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